Thursday, 30 December 2010

A smidgelet of a hiatus

Some conclusions I've drawn over the last few months:
1. I am quite crap at blogging.
2. I am quite crap at craftly things. Okay I'm not crap at the actual craftliness, just at any kind of consistency (except crochet, I really am crap at that). Seems I'm more of a feast or famine crafter.
3. My Bernina still rules, even if it's only gotten to hem trousers and darn a few holes of late.
4. The only things I've made since my last post have been of the edible variety and I've usually been too busy eating them to take photos or remember to write about it.
5. Under the Skin by Michel Faber is one of the greatest books ever written.

And now I'm going skiing for 3 months so will be having a real craft hiatus, although might take a cross stitch for something to do when I'm not on the mountain or in the pub (am much better at the apres than the actual skiing). I still harbour dreams of finishing the baby quilt though as well as making some inroads into my very extensive craft to do list, so here's hoping my next post will be of me actually making something instead of just planning to.

Adios until April!

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